Sunday, February 22, 2009

VHQ Solutions - NFEA Article published

Thanks to Hayley Williams, Head of Communications at the NFEA (National Federation of Enterprise Agencies), for publishing a VHQ article in the February NFEA newsletter.

Entitled "Climbing the Accommodation Ladder" the article highlghts how Enterprise Agencies can use technology to bridge the gap between the provision of basic virtual services and physical enterprise tenancy.

The VHQ WebOffice is well positioned to provide the combination of business management and collaborative working capability required to allow enterprise agencies (and other business support organisations) to provide practical support from afar.


Virtual HQ Solutions Ltd.

Web-based software tools and business support services.

VHQ Articles

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thank Heavens for Web Conferencing

Over the last two weeks we've had snow and ice disrupting travel and trapping people in their homes. Many us genuinely couldn't make it into work and for others it was a great excuse to take a day off and go sledging with the family - and who would blame them - but after one or two days the novelty wore off, work beckoned and it all became very frustrating.

Thank heavans for web conferencing. I've used my WebOffice's built-in WebEx WebMeeting service more in the last two weeks than I had in the previous 3 months! I've had online video calls, meetings where I shared my PC applications and been co-editing documents just as if we were in the office together. For some, it was the first time and letting them take control of my PC blew them away.

I think I'll be seeing more VHQ Solutions clients using online meetings from now on. Funny, they weren't that interested before, but it only takes one small event to set off a chain reaction ... if you can call the recent weather "a small event" that is.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

MG Welding case study published

We have just had sign-off from MG Welding Plant Ltd for the latest VHQ Solutions case study.

Working with MG Welding has been very interesting because it required some customisation of the WebOffice databases to come up with a stock control tool that really suited the needs of the business.

As always there has been an unforeseen benefit for the company. Because the VHQ WebOffice is web-based the management team have been able to deal much more effectively with out of hours calls from overseas clients than they could when everything ran off spreadsheets. Any of them can get an up-to-the-minute availability of welding or rotation equipment whether they are in their front-room or actually with customers in the Middle East or South-East Asia.

It's an example of virtual working in the real world.


Virtual HQ Solutions Ltd.

Web-based collaborative software tools and virtual business support services.

Monday, February 2, 2009

There's snow business like a virtual business...

Couldn't resist a cliched comment on the UK weather situation.

Why have to take to the road to drag yourself to an office or meeting place when the technology exists to operate easily without venturing out into the snow.

The VHQ WebOffice puts pretty much everything you need to work in simple web-based tool. There are business management applications, document/information sharing tools and web-conferencing if you need it.

Long live virtual working!


Virtual HQ Solutions Ltd.

Web-based software tools and business support services.