Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Helping enterprises through the recession

And so, as one interesting day follows another, I find myself in a busy little Enterprise Hub in Grimsby meeting with more committed, energetic people determined to drive enterprsiing activity in their area.

After a long discussion about internet services in enterprise support we part with lots of ideas to ponder, an then someone asks "how should the focus of enterprise support change in a recession?" Great question, I just wish they had asked it earlier, but we all agreed that one thing changes for certain, the emphasis moves from growth to survival. This means helping people to 1) Reduce Costs, fast and 2) Market themslves like hell ... here are you thoughts.

First, look at your client's sunk cost in office facilities ... a virtual office can slash the cost of rent & rates instantly, and replacing fixed staff or even Temps with pay-as-you-go virtual office services can be more cost effective.

Second, you'll need to help you client be a canny marketeer and they'll have to work extra hard to get leads in a tight market ... better sales opportunity management is then essential to convert every possible lead to an order. No-one can afford to waste hard-earned leads in this climate and this is the subject of one of a business management articles that Gareth's writing next month.

How does this sit with you? ... this can't be it, there must be more. If you have any thoughts and ideas to share, we'd love to hear about them.


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