Saturday, June 20, 2009

Keeping Your Enterprise Clients in Business - VHQ Article

Enterprise Agencies have their work cut out at the moment. Stimulating new business starts and stimulating growth in a recession aren't easy tasks.

Our latest article looks at the way Enterprise Agencies can keep their clients in business by helping them to focus on generating leads, looking after contacts and then managing opportunities effectively.

The VHQ WebOffice has a range of built-in features that allows small businesses to embed these ideas directly into the way they work AND gives agencies the ability to participate directly in making things happen if needed.

Virtual HQ Solutions Ltd.

Web-based software tools and business support services.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Social Media and Collaboration

Fascinating to hear some of the presenters talking about collaboration in relation to Social Media at the National B2B Centre "Success with Social Media" presentation yesterday.

Collaboration seems to get subsumed as a topic into other technological advances on a regular basis. This time our perspective is that Social Media may be a good vehicle to bring collaboration into the spotlight for small and medium sized business.

It is true that Social Networking sites such as LinkedIn provide an introduction service to allow interested parties to identify each other and go through the preliminary introduction. Tools such as Ning can provide more sophisticated platforms to share ideas and communicate.

What they lack are the hands-on tools to do real work (especially in an SME and B2B context) so we are delighted that VHQ now has an opportunity to promote our VHQ WebOffice services to fill that gap with features that allow the social side of collaboration if required but major on the business, the money making side as a definite.


Virtual HQ Solutions Ltd.

Web-based software tools and business support services.
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